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Recycling Project News
The 8th Grade would like to invite the entire ICS community to collect cans of food (in particular: tuna, soup, vegetable, sardines) for a recycling/service project. (See picture in gallery, right.
All cans should be either:
- unused, with an expiration date beyond 2022, so they can be donated to SHIP at the end of the project.
- empty but cleaned, with no sharp edges.
Living Nativity 2021
Check out our recycling/service project
Guess how many cans we'll need?
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Living Nativity 2021
Classic Title
Notes from your Teacher
Dear 8th Graders,
I hope you all had a fun, relaxing, Christmas break and are coming back in 2022 ready to be challenged, to work hard, to learn more than you ever thought you could, and to have a little fun along the way!
Whatever part I am able to play in making this a wonderful year for you, I am in! Let's go!
Mrs. Markowski
* Please check the ICS website for your supply list for 8th grade.
* Please bring in a NUT FREE snack for all half days.
* Yearbook ads are due!
* Baby pictures for the yearbook are due!
* Please bring in book sox to cover each textbook in your desk.
* All in-person students must bring in their own hand sanitizer, wipes, and tissues for their desks.
Religion - Be sure to read the Gospel each Sunday. Reflect on its message and how it applies to your life now.
Honors Algebra I (7th)
- Homework EVERY night!
- Be prepared for a quiz each week.
Honors Geometry (8th)
- Homework EVERY night!
- Be prepared for a quiz each week.
- Be prepared for a quiz/test every week.
Miscellaneous - Box Tops and Campbell's labels will be gladly accepted!
Google Classroom Codes
All ccodes to our various classrooms may be obtained by asking a classmate or me.
Formula for World Peace
See everyone you meet through the eyes of God.
Hear every word you listen to through the ears of God.
Speak to everyone you encounter through the lips of God.
Zoom codes may be obtained by asking a classmate or me.
He will be loving 8th grade remotely, for a while...
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