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Class Expectations

Taking an Exam
(7th and 8th Grade)

​I am thrilled to be able to work with you in the field of Pre-Algebra in 7th and 8th grade!  The next 2 years will be filled with terribly important skills that will set you up for success in high school, where you will take Algebra I.  I hope that, by the end of this course, you will be more than prepared, feeling confident, and maybe even a little enthusiastic for this wonderful branch of Mathematics.


Your sure-fire steps to succeeding in this class are:


1.  Come to class prepared.  You should have your textbook, a soft- or hard- covered 2-inch binder, 3-4 sharpened pencils, an eraser, and a red pen or pencil daily. 


2.  Be an active participant in class:  pay attention, take notes. ask questions, complete any classwork.  


3.  Anticipate homework every day.  Expect to complete or make a valiant attempt at completing your homework AT HOME each afternoon or evening.  All class notes and homework must be completed on looseleaf with the proper heading each day.  Homework can and will be collected on any day, and either graded for completeness or a HW quiz will be given, based on the prior evening's work.


4.  Seek help right away if you do not understand any topic.  Assistance may be sought via any of the resources found on the RESOURCES subtab located on this page, or by coming to see me any morning.    


I promise you, you'll learn more and have to study less if you follow these simple steps!






*  Be prepared for class daily.

*  Actively participate in class.

*  Do your homework!

*  Expect a quiz/test weekly.

*  Seek extra help right away,      if needed.

By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.

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