If you require extra help, here are a few web sites which I think are quite helpful. You may be brought directly to the web site by clicking on the link located directly below the respective site's title.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy is an extremely useful site! It's mission is to provide a free world-class education for anyone, anywhere. It is tutorial by video based and really is worth checking out for additional perspective on a world of math topics on any level.
Foundations of Algebra
Ask Dr. Math
Ask Dr. Math is a great resource for any math level. It is a product of the brilliant minds at Drexel University and has everything from online help, to tutorials, to FAQs for each level of Math study, from elementary to college.
This site will lead you to an online edition of the book we use in class, along with extra resources available to supplement our book. Here you will find many examples of the types of problems you will receive for homework, along with their solutions.
Students should sign yourselves up with xplana to view your Foundations Online Edition. It is a simple process. I will distribute the complete registration code in class. (Note, the code below is missing the last 5 digits.)
Foundations of Algebra Registration Code: CE7FA33D1AEFFD5DFB6ACC71809XXXXX*
Go to and click on “Create a New Account” and use the full registration code(s) provided in class. Once you register, go to to log in and view the online edition.